25 Old Testament Stories

The Dumas language, initially without a written form, was given life through a collaborative effort. Hareanto, the translation team leader, assembled a group of four individuals to develop a new script. When this newly created system was tested with Dumas speakers, their initial reactions were met with laughter and surprise. However, as the novelty faded, they discovered a profound improvement in their comprehension of Dumas stories compared to the national language.
The Dumas villagers were deeply touched by the Mother Tongue Translators (MTTs) sharing OT stories in their native tongue. Having never experienced such a connection to written literature, they expressed a strong desire for more. One village church even enthusiastically proposed using these stories for their Bible study.
With the completion of translating all 25 OT stories, pastors from ten remote small churches eagerly received published sets on behalf of their congregations. Overwhelmed by the availability of the Scriptures in their heart language, they anticipated significant growth and spiritual maturity among their believers. Inspired by this positive response, the translation team decided to expand their distribution efforts to other Dumas villages.