A Long-held Dream Fulfilled

The Narrative Discourse Analysis workshop was a dream that the team leader had long hoped would happen. It provided an awesome learning experience for his team who gained a wealth of new skills, insights and understanding. They appreciated the benefits and expressed an eagerness to join more of such training in the future.

One key takeaway focused on pronoun usage. The team presented two natural stories and two biblical texts in the Dumas language. Interestingly, both natural stories with three characters each almost always referred to them by name. However, in their translation of Acts chapter 1, Jesus’ name appeared only three times, while pronouns referring to him were used fifteen times. The team pointed out that frequent pronoun use could be confusing and make it difficult for Dumas readers to know or remember which character the pronoun is referring to.

A readily implementable solution presented itself for this insightful discovery: the team determined that referring to characters by name often enough in the translation would ensure that Dumas readers easily understand and follow the text, departing from the heavy reliance on pronouns present in the source material.

romans 10:14

“But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?”

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