And the Word of the Lord came to…

“As a church leader I am touched by the ministry of the translators. [The years taken] is not a short and easy time. If not because of God, it is impossible for the Scriptures to be translated into these tribal languages. This is the first time this has happened in our church and tribes where the communities, accompanied by [Bible translation agency] partners, could translate God’s Word into their own tribal languages. I will encourage the use of the Gospel of Luke and the Jesus Film in church service and evangelistic activities. Our hope is that the congregation will be able to understand God’s Word better and can have a life-changing impact in the Nyakeh community.”
~ Rev. Yulius

“From the moment this film began playing, I saw a very high enthusiasm from the community. Children to grandparents here watched the film of the Lord Jesus in Nyakeh language… Although two hours long, no one moved from their places until it finished. This showed that this film is truly understood by the Nyakeh people, including the children.
~ Ps. Kristanto

romans 10:14

“But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?”

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