God’s Word

But not everyone has access to Scripture. Their Bibles are blank.

About illumiNations Asia’s Mission

illumiNations started in the US as an alliance of Bible translation agencies and resource partners working together with generous givers like you to eradicate Bible poverty. Asia has now received the baton.

There are 1,282 Asian language groups remaining in Asia with little or no access to Bible scriptures in their heart language.

By 2033, we envision...

95% of people will have access to the full Bible
99.96% will have access to a New Testament
100% will have access to Scripture

We refer to this objective as All Access Goals.

how many asian language are there with little to no access to scriptures?

1,216 Asian languages remaining...


76,838 chapters


35,476 chapters


79,799 chapters


131,077 chapters

an invitation from church leaders

romans 10:14

“But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?”

Join God’s movement today.

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