And the Word of the Lord came to…

“As a church leader I am touched by the ministry of the translators. [The years taken] is not a short and easy time. If not because of God, it is impossible for the Scriptures to be translated into these tribal languages. This is the first time this has happened in our church and tribes where […]
25 Old Testament Stories

The Dumas language, initially without a written form, was given life through a collaborative effort. Hareanto, the translation team leader, assembled a group of four individuals to develop a new script. When this newly created system was tested with Dumas speakers, their initial reactions were met with laughter and surprise. However, as the novelty faded, […]
God Calls

How do you translate the Bible into a language where 99 per cent of the speakers are against Christianity? For Amy (not her real name), it began by approaching members of the Baker community in 2019. “I asked some of them if they would help with translating a collection of stories from the Old Testament. […]
A Long-held Dream Fulfilled

The Narrative Discourse Analysis workshop was a dream that the team leader had long hoped would happen. It provided an awesome learning experience for his team who gained a wealth of new skills, insights and understanding. They appreciated the benefits and expressed an eagerness to join more of such training in the future. One key […]
I want Jesus to save me from my lostness

At the end of checking the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10), the team went back to the beginning of the passage. The leader asked, “What is the main teaching of this story?” “He came to seek and to save the lost,” resounded from many in the room.There was a brief silence. Then Endy*, who often […]