How do you translate a Bible?

Watch the process of Bible translation work below.

Watch the process of Bible translation work below.

It starts with the identification of a need for a new translation project by the local church community.

Then, the translation team identifies the most needed sections of Scripture and the most appropriate media for distribution.

Next, the team looks for organizations and individuals who are willing to help, and develops a project plan, schedule, budget, and training regimen.

The translation process then begins, with translators analyzing each verse and putting it into the local language. The translation is tested by reading it in the community to make sure the meaning is clear, and then reviewed by a Bible translation expert from outside the community.

Finally, the translators proof the translation before publication. Once completed, the translation team celebrates the dedication of new scripture and evaluates the project’s impact.

Frequently ask questions

The portions of Scripture most likely to create immediate impact for church planting, worship, discipleship, and social justice issues often represent initial translation goals. Goals differ depending on the spiritual, religious, social, economic, and historical context of the language community.
Bible translation costs vary based on the complexity and context of the translation project. Annual operating expenses can vary greatly in different parts of the world and for different portions of Scripture. On average, a translation project costs US$60k per year.
Ultimately, God’s church must decide. There are over 7,300 languages globally and illumiNations advocates for every verse in every language to be translated in as many versions with as many revisions in each language as is responsive to the expressed need of God’s church. We call this the Every Verse Current Goal. As a strategic means to that end, the primary operational focus of the illumiNations alliance forms around the current 6,000+ languages with an estimated vitality that suggests Scripture translation is needed. Translation of Scripture in these 6,000+ languages by 2033 is what we refer to as the All Access Goals.

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Get to know our standards

Definition of Bible Translation

Bible translation is the process of translating the Bible's original languages, Hebrew and Greek, into other languages. The process involves more than words. It involves the community of people who speak the language, the community of believers in that language, and the community of the wider church participating in God's mission. illumiNations Asia partners with tens of Bible translation organizations around the globe to bring God's Word to those still waiting to receive it, in a language that speaks to their hearts.

Quality Requirements and Standards

Bible translation is a structured, systematic process designed to ensure God's Word is accurate to the original texts and sounds natural to the people receiving it. It's a time-consuming process that involves checking and rechecking the work. Translated Scripture is tested for accuracy and understanding with members of the community and revised to improve its clarity and accuracy. Our ultimate goal is not translation, but a faithful process that leads to God's Word transforming lives.

Forms of Translation

People can engage with the Bible in various ways. Many remaining Bibleless people groups live in oral cultures where information is passed down audibly rather than in written form. Therefore, teams may not begin with printed Scriptures. The "JESUS" film, Oral Bible Storytelling, or Oral Bible Translation is often the best approach. Scriptures are recorded and shared through digital processes. Deaf communities utilize video to capture the full message with facial expressions and body movement.


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how many asian language are there with little to no access to scriptures?

1,282 Asian languages are still waiting to hear His Word in their heart language...


76,838 chapters


35,476 chapters


79,799 chapters


131,077 chapters

The task is great, the need is urgent,
the vision is God-sized, the challenge is ours.

See how the Bible has impacted lives in Asia

romans 10:14

“But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?”

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