bless with a verse
Join and become a Gospel Patron
We believe God is calling all Christians to take ownership for this remaining task. God has blessed us richly so that these resources may be used for His kingdom agenda.
Become a blessing for a specific region
pray for zero
Pray with us.
For those seeking God’s Word, for those who translate, and for those who partner. Pray for Zero bible-less.
Journey with us in prayer for the illumiNations Asia movement. Meditate, reflect on and soak in the promises contained in Psalm 34.

church partnerships
Take the challenge with your Church community.
Here’s how your church can help:
Host a Bible Translation Sunday at your church and engage your community in a call to action to fund Scripture translation. During a Bible Translation Sunday you will inspire and invite individuals and families to generously support translation by taking the Twelve Verse Challenge: by giving $35 a month to translate one verse of Scripture, until the work is done. It’s that simple!
When you join together as a church, entire chapters and books of the Bible will be translated. Together we make a huge impact.
Ready to host a Bible Translation Sunday at your church? Check out the next steps below! We are thrilled you have decided to partner in this work of getting God’s Word to every tribe and every nation.
organizations partnerships
Start your own fundraising event.
Churches, conferences and key leaders around the world are partnering with illumiNations to share the story and invite their communities to join the Scripture translation movement.
Contact us to learn more about the impact these events are making to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to Scripture.